Saturday, April 11, 2009

On diversity and inclusion

This past week, while on hiatus, the Ontario Ministry of Education posted a new strategy document, "Realizing the promise of diversity,"a 34-page document it says will guide the development of policies and programs to promote inclusiveness and diversity in the province's publicly funded school system.
Is this a feel-good initiative? Or will this document and the related policies actually effect change? This reporter can't tell right now.
One interesting thought-- look at some of the priorities in the latter years of the four-year plan included in this document. I'm wondering how Catholic boards will successfully complete some of these elements. Can a Catholic board -- including those (not all do) who require a baptismal certificate prior to accepting a child's registration in their elementary schools -- truly foster diversity and acceptance of cultures, lifestyles and choices that are in conflict with the church's teachings? Some boards will. Others, particularly in those parts of the province where the Catholic population is in the minority, already do everything they can to preserve and promote their Catholicity. It'll be interesting to see how they incorporate these initiatives.