Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Six-settlement day

The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario reported today Tuesday six contract or OT locals reached tentative agreements in bargaining for their new four-year contracts. Rather than repost the list, for now, here's a link to the updated list of who has settled what and which deals still remain to be negotiated.
Time's a ticking-- although something became apparent in this situation Monday while this reporter was speaking to the Ministry of Education. The provincial framework agreement signed between ETFO and the Ontario Public School Boards' Association signed under the shotgun surveillance of Minister Kathleen Wynne stipulates the deadline is really up to the parties involved in negotiations. The ministry will pull the funding if the locals can't sign deals with boards by a deadline agreed to by ETFO and OPSBA. So far, that deadline is April 24.
I'm mighty curious to see whether that deadline gets extended.
Oh-- and one report of a contract issue crossed the desk today, kudos to the Lindsay Post. It even features comments from Earl Manners (that Earl Manners? Could it be? If so, that's rich).