Monday, June 22, 2009

Please call it 'the Jungle'

The Sarnia Observer reported Monday on what promises to be a heated decision on the name of a new school by the Lambton-Kent board. The new school is a consolidation of Devine Street and Johnston Memorial schools.
Johnston Memorial is the frontrunner in community voting, followed by Devine Street. Other suggestions include Devonston, JD Memorial, Trekkie Memorial and The Jungle.
“The name controversy has created a bit of heartache between the two communities,” said Jim McCabe, a member of a school historical committee. “There are a couple of Devine Street school parents that want a fresh start.”
McCabe wants to stick with the Johnston Memorial name. So does trustee Paul Millman.
“I’ve lived in this area all my life and feel that the overwhelming support of the community, the school, and the city at large is to retain the same name,” said Millman, who attended Johnston Memorial.
Other boards avoid this potential snake pit by setting up school naming so that the former names of the sending/closing schools cannot be the name of the new school, verbatim. The new school name could incorporate elements of the old schools' names, but not simply transplant. What with the whole 'moving ahead,' and 'community building' elements and all that.
My vote?
The Jungle.
I have no idea why it was suggested, but could you imagine attending "The Jungle" public school? Maybe Guns & Roses could play their assemblies and graduations.