Thursday, June 18, 2009

Time to make a change

I have been in discussions with editors in my newsroom regarding some new initiatives our paper is rolling out in the coming months.
These include items such as hopping onto the Twitter bandwagon with both feet-- not to mention all fingers and thumbs, and writing more columns.
Rather than write columns about my few personal, non-work interests that might actually be pertinent to our newspaper's potential readership, I would rather continue writing about the areas I've spent considerable effort and time learning about as a reporter. As a result, we've discussed using this blog and Twitter to move to a "newspaper 2.0" model where my blathering on about education here (and possibly a separate municipal politics blog local to our coverage area) solicits comments from you that I would then write columns about in our print edition. Or it drives you to read my soon-to-be-published Tweets and start a conversation there. Or read the Tweet that would drive traffic here, or to our newspaper website and lead you to comment in either of those two locations. Or vice-versa, backwards and forwards, sideways and so on while we all hopefully manage to maintain our balance and sanity.
The biggest change for this site's small number of loyal readers is I will be disclosing my identity and my workplace as part of these changes. So, you can confirm your suspicions. :) Another is that when you comment here, anonymously or otherwise, you need to be aware I might use those comments in a column for our print edition and newspaper website. The commenting pop-up box will be amended to remind anyone making a comment about this.
There are a few weeks before these changes would need to be in place (IE: the first column), so some of the additions and changes should come about in the coming week or so.