Thursday, June 3, 2010

Slow on the uptake?

I can't tell if there hasn't been a lot of coverage, or if my many absences during the month of May mean I just haven't seen the coverage that has been done. What coverage? School board budget coverage.
Through my own work, I know the Early Learning Program is underfunded and as of right now will run at a deficit in many boards. I also have seen only a few budget stories since I plugged into my full gamut of media clippings and news alerts post-May.
One came from Owen Sound on the Bluewater District School Board's current deficit (complete with correction). I did see in May that the Toronto District School Board appears to be done its 2010-11 budget— exceptionally early for a board that has always been a deadline-pusher.
What else are people hearing in their districts about budgets? Is it getting coverage or not?


Anonymous said...

School For Thought has something up on this ER. Also, Avon-Maitland and Thames Valley have had something in the media in May I believe.