Sunday, March 25, 2012

Now 'tumbling' what I've been reading

I've made a change to the setup around here to better recognize the differences in how I've used this space. I'm happy that as of now, instead of creating aggregation posts as I've increasingly done in the past year, those will now live on a Tumblr page at
I've fed the RSS feed of that page onto a panel right below my profile at right featuring the most recent five items. To go directly to the tumblr page, there is also a direct link above.
Why do this?
I've been finding in recent months the original idea of posting something here about every K-12 education web article I'd read was becoming increasingly difficult to do with other constraints on my time.
Facing a slew of open browser tabs every time I wanted to write about something really important or do original reporting of some kind was discouraging.
By aggregating those clips into a separate area, it's my hope this space here on the blog will open for more content posts-- opinion and analysis as well as original material.
Any feedback and thoughts on this new arrangement are encouraged!