Friday, August 20, 2010

The transition begins...

For the first time in a few months today (mostly because I had a deadline) I started looking at my course selection for my upcoming fellowship. Thought it might be apropos to post a few thoughts here about the upcoming transition.
The blog is going to live on-- I will change the title however (not the URL) to "The Education Reporter-- on fellowship." Or maybe "The Education Reporter-- at OISE." Haven't decided yet, as you can see.
I'll continue to do my regular media monitoring for education coverage, posting when something of interest crosses the inbox or the twitter feed. I'll also post about the life-- things in the courses I audit, general journalism fellowship life and the trips!
I have nine working days left until I start the experience of a lifetime... so as busy as I'll be I'm sure to take a moment here or there to get excited about it all.


Anonymous said...

good luck Hugo. Will be eager to read about your experience.

There is so much instability in print media these days that you can keep your education focus is encouraging.

Unfortunately that same instability and the current logistical nonsense small town papers find themselves in has lead this freelancer's decision to stop writing for my paper.

all the best

Education Reporter said...

Thanks as always for the kind words and encouragement CC.

Sorry to hear about your difficult decision, but understanding of why it was made.


Anonymous said...

Just don't get too brainwashed at OISE! Enjoy your courses.