Friday, July 3, 2009

Upper Canada in budget trouble?

An update to the budget deadline post from Tuesday. Ministry of Education communications staffers informed me today that the Upper Canada District School Board did not pass a balanced budget by the June 30 deadline.
The staffer told me in an e-mail the ministry is working with the board to get more details. I'll post more info if I hear of any updates.
Per the Education Act, boards must submit balanced budgets to the ministry by deadline. Failure to do so allows the Minister of Education to send an investigator to the board to take a poke around and suggest measures to balance the budget to trustees. If trustees don't follow these, the minister can take over the board (see: Toronto Catholic, previously Toronto District, Ottawa-Carleton District, Hamilton-Wentworth...).
A search of daily newspapers in the UCDSB territory produces zero articles regarding this missed budget deadline. In fact, there aren't any budget stories, period. If someone has seen something out in eastern Ontario about this I've missed, please let me know. It's shame there hasn't been any coverage of this-- if this gets to a ministry investigator and, god forbid, a ministry takeover stage, the district loses.