Tuesday, May 5, 2009

PVNC Catholic District School Board layoff notices

If memory serves, this article is only the second to cross the desk regarding actual layoff notices being issued to staff at the Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board. Aside the more, er, routine nature of these sorts of notices being issued in a time of budget development and declining enrolment, it comes as no surprise it should be happening at this board.
The day of the release of the Grants for Student Needs, I wrote about how out of 72 publicly funded school boards in Ontario, only one -- this one -- would actually see its grants decline from 2008-09 to 2009-10. Closer examination shows some one-time funding accounting for the majority of the year-to-year difference. This is not an area of the province where there would be significant growth in the school-aged population-- so they're dealing with the double-whammy of losing revenue (and related staffing expense) for the students that are graduating and not being replaced as well as dealing with a grants chart showing minimal increases for areas not directly funded by the framework agreement reached with employee groups.
That means two things: declaring a number of teaching and support positions surplus in ratio to the decline in students and then, one would hope, going through the budget with a fine-toothed comb to ensure other staff positions can be paid for through what you're getting in grant.
There are just under two months left before board budgets are due and the layoffs are confirmed (or not) by trustees.